Hospital infection control is a priority agenda for every Administrator today. APRICUS has the complete range of products and services for Hospital infection control. APRICUS has a range of products and services at the front and back end of the Hospital infection controls system; for Central Sterile Supply Department and for Bio- medical Waste Treatment. APRICUS offers a arrange of solutions for Central Sterile Supply Systems to small nursing homes and large hospitals.
Cleaning and Disinfection Accessories- Spray Gun Rinses, Washing Stations, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Washer Disinfectors, Drying cabinets and OT Scrub Stations. Packing Accessories – Control and Packing Tables, Heat Sealing Machines, Instrument Inspection Lights and Packaging Materials. Sterilization Systems – Steam Sterilizers, ETO sterilizers, Plasma Sterilizers, Flash Sterilizers and Table Top Sterilizers. Storage and Transportation Accessories - Work Tables, Linen Fold Tables, Storage Cabinets, Baskets, Storage Racks, Pass Boxes, Table Trolleys, Distribution trolleys, Basket Trolleys and Instrument trays.